This series has many videos showing how to handle the wing for foil winging. Starting with the basics, on land and then in the water, of picking up the wing and turning it right side up and finishing at the point of ready to get up on the foil. I show and explain various ways of holding the wing, flipping the wing over, and moving forward and turning around without catching the wingtips. I show a few knee starts of getting up on the foil, focusing mainly on the wing handling (I will make a more in depth series on knee starts and getting up on the foil).
18 Videos.
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These videos show how I carve my own foot hooks for my foil surfboards and wing boards.
I also show how I make the mounting system for my boards.
As well as short videos explaining why I use hooks instead of straps or nothing.
There are 12 videos in this series.
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A simple and cheap tether to allow anyone to stay upwind while learning to handle the wing.
Only takes a few minutes to setup and remove without needing a new board or additional fins.
I spent hundreds of dollars on 3 piece adjustable paddles, and wasted countless hours paddling, walking, and biking back to my luanch point. I could have just used a tether, which I already had in the garage. I am certain I would have figured out the basics of wing handling on day one if I knew this simple tool to stay upwind.
Video 1 = 2:59
Video 2 = 0:18
Video 3 = 1:43
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Looking back on my first handful of sessions, the hope of ripping around the bay on a wing foil seemed pretty far out of my reach. What gave me inspiration was how intuitively and quickly I learned the basics of flying a wing. Then my confidence plummeted as I tried to apply these skills in rough water. I kept going, listening to my gut as to what I needed to try next, on my 9th session I figured out what I needed and had success.
These videos show how to turn a foil, how foil turns differ from surfboards, and how to turn safely. In the first two videos I breakdown the mechanics of turning a foil. Next an animated explanation of how foil gear size effects lean over and the ability to turn. Then I show videos of me crashing on gear that was to advanced for me to turn safely - what not to do. Followed by videos where I show foil turn scenarios and explain what's going on and how to have more success turning a foil.
Video 1=7:54
Video 2=5:33
Video 3=4:44
Video 4=4:40
Video 5=1:17
Video 6=1:15
Video 7=2:55
Video 8=3:05
Video 9=2:47
Video 10=2:58
Video 11=3:07
Video 12=2:07
Foil - One Time Membership Required
You must be a Foil - One Time member to access this content.