Summer of the Wing

Summer of the WingerThe first summer of winging, in a year of deep sorrow, brought me great joy.  Uncertainty, chaos, fear, AND super super stoked!  Riding the wind has been around forever, and yet this is the first year I really dedicated myself to learning how, or winging is so appealing the only choice for me, was YES!  Seeing all my friends either join me in wing foiling or show a palpable curiosity in this new winging adventure, is proof for me that this is special.  Who says "no thanks" to endless waves?
Length of Video - 8:12 (YouTube preview):

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One of the Best Days Yet – Winging has Improved my Surf Foiling

One of the Best Days YetAfter 6 months of Wing Foiling I can noticeably feel and see an improvement in my surf foiling.  Ballpark this spring and summer of 100 wing sessions averaging 10 miles each is at least 1000 miles of foiling!  Best guess is that the previous 3 years of surf foiling I had around 500 miles on the foil.  The old saying, "Time on the water...", well time on the foil is huge for skills and mastery.

This video is of one of the best surf foiling days I have had yet.  I had 3 peaks all to myself, 300-500 yards rides, s-turns all the way to the beach!
Length of video - 4:10 (YouTube Preview) :

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Wing Handling for Beginners – Wing Foil Tutorials

Wing Handling for Beginners - Wing FoilingThis series has many videos showing how to handle the wing for foil winging.  Starting with the basics, on land and then in the water, of picking up the wing and turning it right side up and finishing at the point of ready to get up on the foil.  I show and explain various ways of holding the wing, flipping the wing over, and moving forward and turning around without catching the wingtips.  I show a few knee starts of getting up on the foil, focusing mainly on the wing handling (I will make a more in depth series on knee starts and getting up on the foil).
18 Videos.

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Tether to Stay Upwind – Wing Foil for Beginners

Wing Foil Upwind ToolA simple and cheap tether to allow anyone to stay upwind while learning to handle the wing. 

Only takes a few minutes to setup and remove without needing a new board or additional fins.

I spent hundreds of dollars on 3 piece adjustable paddles, and wasted countless hours paddling, walking, and biking back to my luanch point. I could have just used a tether, which I already had in the garage. I am certain I would have figured out the basics of wing handling on day one if I knew this simple tool to stay upwind.

Video 1 = 2:59
Video 2 = 0:18
Video 3 = 1:43

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