The 5 levels of agreement are a tool to let us know what we are agreeing to, get more of our requests agreed to, and to align our expectations with reality. What do we do if people aren’t keeping the agreements we make? I offer a tool to dig deeper, understand why, and have a better chance of getting what we want.
In this video I talk about agreements, give examples of well known agreements that aren’t kept, explain the 5 Levels of Agreement, and aligning our expectations with reality:
I first heard of the 5 Levels of Agreement from Dr. Neha Sangwan, she gave a talk at a Hay House event I attended. Phycology today wrote an article on the talk.
If people are not keeping the agreements we make there are usually core wounds from childhood that are coming up. In this next video I give an example from my childhood where my father and I had different levels of agreement on time:
This page is part of the Tools for Life Course, I recommend using this tool with relate and communication skills.