Offshore Surf Chronicles – Video

Locked into an offshore beautyFall seemed elusive this year as October and November were full of big and stormy surf. December settled down and we scored three swells of beautifully groomed offshore surf. Fun to massive size waves and light to howling winds has me pondering the right tools to take on these conditions.
Below is the full video with music and voice over.
Length – 08:10
I hope you enjoy…

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Safe Place – Feeling Comfortable Anywhere – Video

Great place to practiceI spent decades trying to create a safe place.  Safety in numbers, safer neighborhood, alarm systems, weapons, and self defense classes.  After trying all these methods I still felt unsafe.

Listening to a guided meditation the speaker asked me to imagine a safe place.  I thought of all the places I have been to and it dawned on me that I didn’t feel safe anywhere.  Now that I was aware of the problem I was actively seeking a new solution.  It snuck up on me through a mandatory meditation walk, required training for a martial arts class.

On that meditation walk I felt scared I would get poison oak, and I realized how unnatural it is for a human being to be afraid of nature.  As part of a group I saw and heard a broad range of comfort with being in a forest.  This showed me where I was at and what feeling really comfortable and safe looked like.

I heard being in nature spoken of as a satisfying sexual experience.

What?!?  Really???  At the time I didn’t feel this way, I was however very inspired to continue the practice and see where it led me…

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