Foil Reviews – Honest Feedback on Hydrofoils from Popular Brands

Foil ReviewsI often feel frustrated seeing the reports on the internet of popular foils, they seem biased or sponsored and leave out any problems.  I am reluctant to say in public what I don't like about a foil, especially if a friend is making or selling that foil.  So here in this post behind the paywall I will do my best to be completely honest and unbiased and say what I like and don't like about the foils I have ridden.  In this post I give video and text reviews of these foils, wings, boards, and gear: 
AFS Silk 850, Foil Drive Gen 2, Code 1300 S, F-One Seven Seas 1100, SK8 850, Eagle 1090 and 990, Seven Seas 1200 and 1000, Strike V2 5.5m, Phantom 940, 1080 & 1280, 95cm HM mast, Cabrinha Mantis 4.5m wing, H Series 1200, Code Board 5'4" 98L, Takuma Kujira 980, Axis Black ART 999, BSC 810, PNG 1150, red 900, 1000, 910, Armstrong 2400 low aspect, Naish Jet 2450 low aspect, F4 1250 & 1700, and 1325 low aspect, Slingshot / Ride Engine Infinity 76 & 84, Timecode / Arc 68 low aspect, Foil Science 1116, and 1600 low aspect, GoFoil.

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Surf Foil Take Offs – Prone and SUP – Paddling for and Catching Waves

Surf Foil Take Offs - Prone and SUPSlow motion close detail video of foil surfers paddling for and catching waves.  Both Prone board and SUP board foil surfers.  This video series focuses on the sequence of hand and foot placement that foil surfers do to catch a wave and get up on foil, both real time and slow motion so we can see the detailed techniques.  The first 3 videos are of SUP foil surfing, and the next 2 are prone foil surfing.

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Berkeley Wing Foiling in the San Francisco Bay

Berkeley Wing FoilingBerkeley has direct line of sight to the Golden Gate Bridge and the opening to the Pacific Ocean.  Powerful wind and swell enter the mouth of the bay and make their way all the way to Berkeley.  Spring and summer winds are the most consistent and best time to wing foil in Berkeley.  The best way to access and learn about Berkeley wing foiling is to visit the…

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What Foil Gear do I Need? – Gear Questions Answered

What Foil Gear do I Need?What wing or surf foil gear should I buy?  Or rent or demo?  I get asked this question a lot and I see posts online asking similar questions.  Below is a beginner guide for foil gear.

Also please post any questions in the comments section at the bottom of this page and I will answer.

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Treasure Island Wing Foiling in The San Francisco Bay

Treasure IslandTreasure Island often has great swell and consistent wind, also the launch is small and the current can be strong so I recommend advanced skills, the buddy system, and a radio.  Treasure Island has a pretty wild history including use of radioactive toxins, explosives, and other dangerous materials (Business Insider, Reuters, SFGate, SFBayview), and it seems toxic nuclear radiation still exits on the island.

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