Foil Setup – Angle of Attack and Foot Placement – Surfing

Foil Angle of Attack and Foot Placement for SurfingA video showing how to setup foil Angle of Attack for surfing, and where I put my feet and why. Since adjusting the angle of attack and being very precise with my feet placement my foil surfing has improved big time. I have much more control and I know how to setup my hydrofoil and foot hooks for the conditions - bigger or smaller waves.

I have been having really long rides and breaching way less since setting up my boards this way. Also getting my cutbacks and bottom turns dialed and pumping more. With this improved control I also feel way more confident in a more crowded surf spot.

I am so stoked on foiling and eagerly looking forward to the next swell!

Here is the shorter version of this how to video:

I hope this helps! Also here is the digital protractor I use in this video to measure the angle of my foil.

I also carve my foot hooks out of this recycled foam. Originally I bought my foot hooks from NSI.

And below is the members only longer video, 16 minutes and 53 seconds:

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Foil Surfing – Beginner Tutorial Series

Foil Surfing TutorialI made a foil surfing tutorial series for SUP The Magazine.  Designed for newbies and beginners.  I made it now when I am still learning myself.  I have found that after I have progressed and developed advanced skills it is challenging to remember how difficult being a beginner was.

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Bungee Foil Surfing – Family Outing at the Beach

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Adventures in Foil Surfing

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Foil SUP Practice Day 2 – San Francisco Bay

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Learning to Foil Surf and a New Camera Angle

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