by Clay Schmitz | Dec 27, 2016 | adventures, articles, how to articles
Did you make a New Year’s Resolution last year? How is your resolve, did you stick with it the entire year? How about prior years? Any resolutions that you made years ago that you are still practicing? Congratulations if you answered yes.
Regardless of our past today is a new day. Here are some simple tips to make resolutions we can stick with.
1. Clearly define what your resolution is and the details of what exactly you will be doing. What does success look like?
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by Clay Schmitz | Dec 22, 2016 | adventures, surf videos, videos
Beautiful day of big, and to my eyes, perfect surf at Ocean Beach, San Francisco. One of the most amazing days I have seen, seemed like the planets aligned to provide big clean consistent barrels. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing these surfers ride these incredible waves.
Here is a the video with music and voice over…
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by Clay Schmitz | Dec 16, 2016 | adventures, articles, how to articles
Meditation for me is like unlocking some secret world where I feel great and I see the truth that everything and everyone is beautiful and amazing. It took me a couple years to find the key or learn the combination, or more like a couple months once I committed to practicing daily.
Making that commitment was hard, why? Well how do I commit to something I don’t understand or really even know what it is? For me it seemed like agreeing to eat a food everyday that I had yet to taste, what if I don’t like it? What the heck is meditation anyway and how do I know if I’m doing it right? I had no clue nor did I know who to ask, nobody I knew meditated.
The first half dozen or so times I tried meditating I sat there feeling foolish and nothing happened…
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by Clay Schmitz | Dec 12, 2016 | adventures, articles

Are we earthlings hard wired to discard and dump our waste wherever we please? Are we born litterers? If we take an honest look at our cities and in nature can we find any evidence to the contrary? What if being litterers is in fact a good and necessary practice? Does the survival of our planet depends on us dumping wherever we want?
As far back as I can remember I saw road signs that said $1000 fine for littering, and along that same road there was plenty of litter. Birds seem to leave their food scraps and poop wherever they want, same with fish and wild animals. Babies, kittens, and puppies make a mess with their food and pee and poop anywhere and everywhere. Judging by all the trash I see on the beach adults are also well practiced litterers…
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by Clay Schmitz | Nov 23, 2016 | adventures, articles
The video below reminded me of why I am committed to surf gear that is renewable (can be regenerated within a generation), biodegradable (the earth can naturally recycle it and it has a healthy place in the food chain), and non-toxic (the collection and production of the materials do not pollute our air, land, water, animals, or people)…
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