Choosing a Foil – Explaining the differences between brands

Choosing a foilIn this video series I explain how popular foil brands are designed and built and why it matters.  How the hydrofoil wings connect to the fuselage and the mast, whether in components or one single piece, I go over the components and design choices and the pluses and minuses.  Several times I was an early adopter of a new foil and learned the expensive way whether the marketing why hype or the real deal.  The brands I discuss are F-One, Axis, Armstrong, Slingshot, and Mike's Lab.  This knowledge can be applied to any brand of foil.  For clarity this isn't a detailed review of a specific foil wing or model (see my Foil Reviews page for detailed reviews).  This information helps one know what they are getting so they can determine the true value of a hydrofoil, it's durability and longevity, and what the upgrade options are.

The point of this video series is to give you an overall understanding of why foil designers do what they do.  I didn't have a clue when I bought my first foil, it was all a big mystery.  Every new brand of foil I purchased had a new learning curve of how the parts fit together, function, and the longevity and durability. 

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Language and Communication

LanguageI grew up hearing the old, "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me."  As a kid I would rather have my dad yell at me or lecture me than to hit me.  Now as an adult I almost feel the opposite.  In martial arts class we did an exercise where we tried to trigger or neg or name call each other, simulating a bully on the street.  I couldn't do it, it was harder to say nasty things to someone than to try and choke them to death or break their leg.

Then there is the saying the pen is mightier than the sword.

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Hot and Cold

Hot and ColdAs someone born and raised in an urban and suburban environment it's easy and normal to be disconnected from nature and the elements.  Lots of climate controlled buildings surrounded by concrete and asphalt, and the "wild" spaces are often parks with rules and curfews.  When I lived 50 feet from the bay I would go outside every sunset in the winter and wonder how the wild birds and animals could stand the cold?  And yet they did and seemed perfectly fine and comfortable in both air and water that is below 50F.  When I was kid we went surfing in 50F water in just a short spring suit or boardshorts, my son and his friends regularly wear just T-shirts or even shorts in the winter while I am wearing a hooded down parka.  I know a couple of surfers around 50 years old, one wears just shorts and the other shorts and a thin neoprene vest, in winter, and they tell me they are not cold.  My introduction to this seeming madness was a Wim Hof workshop on Treasure Island.

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